Welcome to Year 1 at Isabella State School, we trust you will find our learning community friendly and supportive. This year will be the next step for your special little person as they progress of their learning adventure at Isabella State School.
Home Reading – is vital to your child’s learning. Please ensure that you listen to your child read every night and discuss any difficult words, the story setting, beginning (orientation), middle (complication) and end (resolution). Also practice their high frequency words on a daily basis, it is great to make it into a game! Perhaps copy the words and put them on the fridge.
Independence – Now your child has made the important transition from Prep to Year 1, we would like to encourage greater independence skills. Please allow them to enter the class and put their own things away! They are able to do this, and then can find their things much more easily when they have placed them in the fridge/bag/homework box/tidy trays themselves.
Lunchboxes – We have a large fridge. However, it can be quite challenging to fit 25 lunch boxes inside. To assist with this, please ensure your child has a lunch box and not an insulated esky. If the lunchbox remains inside the insulation the coolness of the fridge is unable to reach the food inside. We would also like to encourage as much nude food as possible (limit packaging)
We look forward to seeing you there.
Every day counts
Going to school every day …
- will make sure your child gets the most out of this important year of school
- improves your child’s reading, writing and maths
- builds a positive approach to learning
- strengthens your child’s independence and confidence.
We are always seeking parent helpers for small group work, reading with children, changing class readers and a variety of other activities. Please speak to your classroom teacher if you are available.
Teacher contact
Finally, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns/questions. This can be done by making an appointment, calling the school and leaving a message, or sending an email. Our emails are