We are delighted to welcome new children and families to Isabella State School.
Isabella State School's Preparatory program is a full time program. Children attend prep from Monday to Friday during normal school hours.
Starting school is an exciting time for students and parents. The first step is to determine when your child can commence their Prep year by visiting the Department of Education’s Prep-ready calculator.
A child must be five years of age by the 30th June in the year they start Prep to be eligible for entry into Prep year.
Step 1.
Contact the office on 40408777 or email admin@isabellass.eq.edu.au
Step 2.
Attend an enrolment interview with the Deputy Principal (includes a tour of the school). The Deputy Principal would like to meet your enrolling child, so please bring them with you.
Forms required at the interview:
- Your child’s Birth certificate
- Proof of your residential address (e.g, rates notice, tenancy agreement)
- Relevant medical reports
- Relevant legal court orders
- Relevant visa details
- Completed forms from the enrolment pack:
Student Resources
In line with Queensland Department of Education policy and approved and endorsed by our P&C, our Student Resource Scheme (SRS) includes stationery and education supplies.
For families, this means we do not have a booklist, parents just need to return the SRS Participation Agreement and pay the SRS invoice by the due date. All resources included in the scheme will be in their child's classroom on their first day of school.
You can opt-out of the scheme, however, you will need to provide the resources that would usually be covered in the scheme. Please contact our office staff if you would like to opt-out.
More information is contained in this Student Resource Scheme handout.