Welcome to Isabella State School.
We are indeed fortunate to be part of a school with great new facilities and dedicated and caring staff.
We encourage you to be involved in our school as we believe that education is a partnership between the home and the school and we greatly value parent involvement as fully as time and commitments allow.
Isabella State School is a dynamic learning community where our staff works collaboratively, through a shared vision, to assist children to develop, extend and meet their potential. We provide a supportive environment where the teaching and learning process thrives. We place a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy delivered through explicit teaching and structured reading and mathematics programs that ensure our students have the necessary skills to participate in all aspects of learning.
Your support will assist us to provide the very best education possible for our children, in a safe, secure and happy environment. Once again, a very warm welcome to Isabella State School. You are an important member of this school and I look forward to your involvement in our school.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Helen Foulger