KindyLinQ at Isabella State School every Thursday 9am - 12pm during the school term.
KindyLinQ is FREE, children just need to bring a hat, lunch and water bottle. We also encourage parents to pack a change of clothes for their child as we frequently engage in messy play.
This year we are operating our KindyLinQ program inside the breakout area of the school hall, so there are toilets, refrigerator and kitchen accessible from this space. KindyLinQ is a come, stay, play model, so we encourage parents to wear comfortable clothes so they can fully engage with their child in play.
Registrations are always open for KindyLinQ, so if you have a child under Kindergarten age, please call 4040 8777 to enquire, or email
What is KindyLinQ?
Fun, free play and learn sessions for children under kindergarten age and their families
KindyLinQ is a play-based program that families living in identified locations can attend in the year before their child can start kindergarten.
The program provides a safe, welcoming space for families to stay with their birth to 4-year-old child and participate in fun early learning experiences.
KindyLinQ is led by a qualified teacher and early years support coordinator for a minimum of 3 hours, one day per week.
Benefits for children and families
KindyLinQ enables young children to play, explore, sing, create and socialise with their parents, other children and experienced staff in a safe space.
The program also offers guidance for families about how to support their child's learning and development at home.
Parents and carers play the most significant role in establishing the environment children need to support optimal development and learning, and they will attend each session with their child.
Learning through play
KindyLinQ is based on a facilitated playgroup model. It is about children learning through hands-on experiences with the support and guidance of a caring adult.
Children will learn skills that will support them now and in later learning, including socialising, managing their emotions and developing language skills to ensure they can effectively communicate their ideas and needs.
The program is informed by the Early Years Learning Framework and is separated from the curriculum expectations of school-age children.
KindyLinQ also assists in connecting families with approved kindergarten providers.
The State of Queensland Department of Education, Early Childhood Education and Care. (2020, November).
When can my child attend KindyLinQ?
KindyLinQ is designed to complement your child's transition to Kindergarten, therefore KindyLinQ is attended prior to their Kindergarten year. To register at KindyLinQ your child must be under the age for attending Kindergarten. If you are unsure, please call KindyLinQ at Isabella State School on 4040 8777.
What do we do at KindyLinQ?
Each day we:
- Play - Child-led play with parents
- Move - Singing & movement on the mat with Miss Brooke
- Read - Story time on the mat with Miss Brooke
- Eat - Sit together to eat our health lunch from home
- Activity - Craft activity based around a story, theme, or special event
- Play - Child-led play with parents
- Goodbye - Goodbye song
Every minute of KindyLinQ is centred around play-based, child-led learning. KindyLinQ encourages early learning through interactive, immersive experiences that develop children's emotional, cognitive and physical health and wellbeing. KindyLinQ follows children's interests and abilities by creating spaces and activities for parents to stimulate their child's early learning.
KindyLinQ FAQ's
I don't live in the Isabella school catchment, can I still come to KindyLinQ? Yes, KindyLinQ is not limited by school catchment and open to all families.
I have younger children I also care for, can they come along? Yes, KindyLinQ is family friendly.
What role do parents play? Parents play the most important role in KindyLinQ. Play positively enriches your child’s learning experiences.
Is there a cost? What do I need? KindyLinQ is FREE. You will need to bring your child a lunchbox, hat, water bottle and spare clothes.
My child has diverse needs, will they be accommodated in your program? Yes, KindyLinQ will tailor the program to meet all children at their cognitive and developmental level and create an environment that safely meets your child's needs. As parents stay for the duration, you will be there to support your child's one-to-one needs.
Is this an on-site Kindy program? Can I drop my child off? KindyLinQ is a Teacher-led program for parents and children to come, stay and play together BEFORE your child goes to Kindergarten. KindyLinQ focuses on introducing and preparing your child ready for when they attend Kindy.
Kindy Counts for a Lifetime
For our little ones, kindy packs a lifetime of opportunities. Many of the skills they learn will stay with them long after leaving the sandpit and story corner.
Kindy is a place where children can explore new environments and have fun learning with friends in the year before they start school. By participating in kindy, our little ones develop a love of learning and are better prepared to start school. T
For more information about Kindergarten please visit Early Childhood Education and Care.