Welcome to Isabella State School, in Year 2 our focus will be on the following units:
English: Exploring different types of procedure e.g. instructions, recipes, how tos
Maths: Collecting and displaying data, Number stories, Addition facts (rainbow facts, doubles)
Science: Mix, make and use – experimenting with materials and discussing their purpose
HASS: Connection to place
Parade is held Friday at 9:15am in the hall. Parents and family are welcome to attend.
School Uniform
Full Isabella State School uniform is required every day. This also includes closed in shoes (no thongs) and a broad brim hat with a name.
School Times
Students can enter the school gates from 8:20am. Upon arrival, students are required to wait in the Junior Covered Area until the 8:45am bell. Students are expected to be inside their classroom shortly after they hear this bell. This ensures that they are ready for learning to begin promptly at 9:00am. School finishes at 3:00pm and it is important that your child knows how they are getting home or where they are to be collected.
If you child is away please ensure the school is aware of the reason for their absence. This can be done by replying to the automated text message, sending a note or calling the absence line on 4040 8760. Remember every day counts!
Please ensure your child has a labelled healthy lunch and a drink bottled filled with ‘water only’ every day. If your child has a tuckshop order, it needs to be given to the tuckshop before school, ordered online, or put in the tuckshop basket in the classroom at the start of the day.
Fruit Break
Please send your child with either fruit or vegetables to be eaten as a snack during the morning session.
Homework will be handed out on Monday and needs to be returned each Friday. More information will be included in your child’s homework folder. Please ensure that your child is reading their home readers each night.
Teacher contact
Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns/questions. This can be done by making an appointment, calling the school and leaving a message, or sending an email.
There will be times when the teacher will be listening to reading or testing children and we would like you understand this is important and to minimise interruptions.
Looking forward to another amazing term of learning with your child.