
Year 3


​​​​Welcome to Year 3 at Isabella State School.  We hope you continue to enjoy your child's learning journey with us. We especially welcome our new families into our school.

Our Learning Day

​​The school gates open at 8:20am daily where students are expected to wait in the Junior undercover area which is supervised by an adult on staff until 9am. The bell rings at 8:50am where students then walk to their classrooms and put their bags on the portrack andwait for their classroom teacher to open the classroom door. Lunch boxes are brought in and placed in the classroom fridge.

Lunch Boxes

Please ensure a healthy lunch is provided that will help your child concentrate throughout the day. Fresh food, sandwiches and wraps help your child to stay focussed once they return to the classroom after hot and busy play times.  Please also bring a labelled drink bottle which will stay in the classroom for students to access at any time. Tuckshop is available for students. Orders can be made online or must be written on a brown paper bag with the details of required lunch along with your child's name and grade.

​Attendance is important. ​​However, if you child is unwell, please ensure that they are kept at home. On days that your child is absent, please call the school advising of absences or supply a written note explaining the absence. ​A special thank you to those parents who ensure their child is at school every day and those who make sure they advise the school of any absences. 


Expectations for behaviour in class and in the playground are consistent across the classes and are proactively taught as part of the School Wide Positive Behaviours for Learning Program.


The full school uniform must be worn each day and this includes correct footwear - socks and enclosed shoes. Thongs are not acceptable footwear and students are not allowed bare feet so plea​​se ensure they understand the dress code expectation.  A wide brimmed hat is required and caps are not permitted. Students will not be permitted to pay on the playground if they do not have a hat or are wearing a cap.


Homework is a school expectation. Homework will consist of reading, word skills and numeracy. If you or your child have any difficulties with homework please contact your classroom teacher.


Year 3 students are expected to participate in NAPLAN testing. This is a point in time test and teachers will ensure students are comfortable with this through our preparation. NAPLAN will be undertaken during Term 1.


In English, students will be retelling a story through the perspective from a chosen character in the book.

In Maths, we will be covering place value, addition, subtraction length, time (to 5 minute intervals), multiplication number facts (times tables) and simple graphing and chance.

In Science, we will investigate the question Is it living?

Our HASS unit is called 'Our Unique Communities' and focuses on how people contribute to communities. We will also be looking at Persuasion in Media Arts.

Parent/Teacher Contact

Please do not hesitate to speak to your child's teacher if you have any concerns, however, we would appreciate if you could consider a few things. Coming in at 8:50 or 9am and expecting the teacher to have a meeting is not possible. The best way is to send a note or email or ring the school so that an appointment can be made and your classroom teacher will get back to you as soon as conveniently possible.

Parent/Teacher interviews

We would love to meet as many parents as possible during our upcoming Parent/Teacher interviews. Parents will be notified of the times for this occasion.  This will be an opportunity to meet your child's teacher and get an understanding of the different learning opportunities your child will experience this year.

Bits and Bots

  • Parents or guardians picking up a child before 3pm must go to the office first. You mst be able to give the teacher a slip from the office to show you have officially signed out your child. This is for Safety reasons.
  • Parade occurs on a Friday morning. Each week a student from each class will receive a "student of the Week" certificate for displaying academic and/or social success throughout the week. Parents are welcome to attend. Pleae let your child's teacher know if you would like to be notified on the Thursday before if they will be receiving an award.
  • If you move or change your contact details please ensure you update this information at the office. It is extremely important ​that in an emergency we are able to contact you or a nominated person. 

We look forward to another positive learning journey with your child this term. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, via email, if you have any concerns relating to your child’s learning needs. 

Teacher / Parent Contact

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns/questions. This can be done by making an appointment, calling the school and leaving a message, or sending an email. Our emails are:
3A - Janine Stewart​
3B - Be Nicholas​
3/4D - Jacqui Fuchs

Last reviewed 09 February 2025
Last updated 09 February 2025