Welcome to year 6 at Isabella State School. We have an engaging and challenging year planned and we are happy to have you on board in an educational partnership this year.
Research supports that EVERY DAY COUNTS! Every time your child is not at school, he/she is missing valuable learning that he/she needs to be able to complete future tasks. It is expected that work that is missed at school may need to be sent home to be completed. Please be aware that Monday is often the day that new work is introduced. If your child misses a Monday he /she is likely to have difficulty keeping up for the rest of the week. On Fridays, we consolidate and revise much of the work that is taught over the week. If your child misses a Friday session, he/she will miss out on the opportunity to fill in any gaps in learning.
The gates to the school open at 8:20am. We ask that your child is at school NO LATER than 8:45am. Students who arrive late without a note will be expected to complete work that has been missed and this lateness also reflects in their behaviour grades as lateness is considered unacceptable and will bring down their overall behaviour rating.
Special Events
Senior Shirts: The order for senior shirts was placed last year. They are expected to arrive in late Jaunary.
Camp: Although camp won’t be until Term 3, expression of interest forms for camp will go out this term. There will be a general information form, consent forms, the code of conduct, parental helpers, as well as an approximate cost. These forms will need to be returned as soon as possible to determine numbers of attendees for the ordering of food and booking of transport.
Student Information
Please ensure that the school has all the relevant information about your child. This may include updated contact details, change of addresses and health information (including allergy details).
Learning Areas
- In English, students will be writing an information report on a significant Australian.
- In Maths, we will focus on all mathematical areas including Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability. Assessments will be on data displays and time tables (including 24 hour time).
- In Science, students will focus on electricity, electrical safety and creating circuits
- In HASS, we will be learning about Australia as a nation and significant people who have been influential in Australia.
- In Design and Technology, investigate how electrical energy can control movement, sound and light. Design and build a security system prototype.
- P.E – Please ensure that your child wears enclosed shoes and a hat and has a drink bottle for Physical Education. Students who bring this equipment each week will be invited to a celebration at the end of the term.
As this is your child’s last year of Primary School, it is recommended that your child spends between 3-4 hours of homework per week in order to prepare them for High School. This equates to approximately 45 minutes per day. The Homework tasks set are revision of work your child has already learnt and should therefore know exactly what to do to be able to achieve success.
We are available to help them if they need assistance with their homework, although they will need to ask for this assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries in relation to homework.
Assessments will be strictly conducted at school. Students will be informed of the due dates of assessment items when they are handed out. At no stage are they to be completed at home unless directed by the teacher. Students may be asked to do some brainstorming for the English assignment at home, but the draft and final copy will be completed at school. It is essential that students take ownership of their work and demonstrate responsibility to be on top of their assignments. An assessment schedule detailing what students will be assessed on in Term 1 with due dates is below.
Hats and Footwear
Please ensure that your child has a hat and the correct enclosed shoes. Due to safety reasons students who do not have a hat must sit in an undercovered area during breaks. Students who do not have enclosed shoes are not permitted to play and also must remain seated in an undercovered area at play time.
As seniors at Isabella, it is an expectation that your child takes toileting and drink breaks during lunch breaks, not during learning time. If a student has a medical reason to go at other times, please provide the teacher with a note.
Parental Support
Isabella State School highly values the contribution of parents or carers in our school. Please see us if you would like to schedule a time to help in our class, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.